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From Hobby to Lifestyle

It comes as no surprise that once you develop an interest in something and have the fortitude to submerse yourself into it, things are bound to change. From an interest, to a hobby, to a passion and finally a lifestyle. Things are learned along the way and people with the same or similar interests are met in turn. It seems only natural to gravitate towards people with those interests.

Two years ago I had the good fortune of having a group of clients from Northern Ohio arrive for a bachelor party hunt. Don, Bradley and, Kyle have since returned a few times for some memorable hunts. Over this time, we developed a friendship through our similar interests, multiple phone calls and texts messages.

This past weekend the three returned once again, not as clients but as friends. I must confess there was a small amount of business conducted and the coyotes in Northern Ohio should start to worry due the new 100mm Armasight scope in their area.

Not being a traditional JAGER PRO hunt, there was no lodge or hotel and there was no schedule to abide by. The three stayed at my house and cooked their traditional first night Salmon dinner caught only days prior in lake Ontario. I look forward to that meal every year.

Once we could manage to get our swollen bellies off the couches, we loaded up and took the one hour drive to our playground in Georgia. During the drive we had a lot of catching up to do and looked forward to the possibly of testing the limits of the scope that, Don was considering purchasing. Unfortunately the pigs were not moving until very early in the morning hours but we did manage to down six of the farm terrorists before the sun began to rise.


First Dove Hunt

Tired and hungry we made the journey back to Alabama for three hours of sleep, only to have them awaken to a little surprise that I had laid on for them, their first dove hunt.

ron-guinn-blog-2Back in the truck we go for the hour long ride and the anticipation of the unknown. The hunt in my mind, was the highlight of the weekend. I witnessed Bradley, the youngest of the group atop a hill  in a freshly plowed corn field, raise both arms with shotgun in hand let out a yell of “YEAH”. Just as he did, his first bird came spiraling down and crashed in the field.

When our weekend concluded, they headed back home. There was not a doubt in any our minds, that the time spent together only benefitted our group and our future experiences. I look forward to fishing lake Ontario and shooting the big bucks of Ohio and have been invited to do so.

I would like to close by saying thank you to all of our clients and the experiences they give us. For without them, I for one would not be doing what I do.

Keep the wind in your face.

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