Download the appropriate Camera Manual to view the full document. File size is large and may take time to load.
- Step 1 – Activate Data Plan
- Step 2 – Review Camera Operations Manual
- Step 3 – Create an Account on
- Step 4 – Add New Camera
- Step 5 – Update Settings
- Step 6 – Test Photo and Request Status
- Step 7 – Motion Activation
- Step 8 – Take a Photo
- Step 9 – Mobile Access
- Step 10 – Delivery Options (Optional – Not recommended)
Step 1 – Activate Data Plan
The first step is to register your camera on our website.
Log in or create a new account with a new username, email address and password, then choose the menu to “Activate Data Plan”. Activate Data Plan can be located under Solutions > Hog Cameras > Activate Data Plan, or Shop > Products > Activate Data Plan, or under My Account, Activate Data Plan. Open your camera and look above the LCD screen for the camera model. Choose your model from the drop down menu. Use the picture to help identify the correct type; OD green for a M.I.N.E.® camera and camouflage for an I.C.E.® camera. Enter the 15 digit IMEI number. The number can be found on the inside of your camera or under your camera settings by looking under MENU → SYSTEM → INFORMATION (scroll down seven topics onto the second page). We have provided or sent you a new SIM card for activation. Input the 20 digit ICCID number. You will not be able to transfer a used SIM card. You must use the SIM card that came with your camera or was sent to you from JAGER PRO. Check the box to register your camera warranty then “Add Subscription to Cart”. Ensure your camera is displayed in the Shopping Bag. You may add additional subscriptions before proceeding to checkout.
Fill out your billing information and double check your order. Fill out the credit card information, then read the terms and conditions. Check the box then place order. You will receive a confirmation email for your order. JAGER PRO® will assign your ICCID number a phone number and add your IMEI number to the server, then send you an email after the new phone number has been activated on the appropriate network. This process can take from 10 minutes up to 24 hours during normal business hours.
Step 2 – Review Camera Operations Manual
While waiting for the activation process to complete, download and become familiar with the Operations Manual and watch the Operations Video. Hover over “Solutions > Hog Cameras” and click on “Manuals and Videos”. Select “Download Manual”. Here you can view the manual, save or print. Watch the camera “Operations Video” then set up your camera to the appropriate settings following the “Operations Manual” instructions. You will not be able to conduct any connectivity tests until after your camera is registered to the network and you receive the confirmation email from JAGER PRO®.
Step 3 – Create an Account on
Once you receive the confirmation email, you must create a new user account at If you are on, clicking on “Camera Management” will take you directly to our website. Click on Register New Account. Enter your information. Read the privacy policy and Terms and Conditions, then check the box. Once you click “Register” you will receive another confirmation email. Once you confirm your email it will automatically sign in. Otherwise, sign in and it will take you to the “Add New Camera” page. Contact JAGER PRO® (706-718-9789 Ext. 1) if you do not receive the confirmation email.
Step 4 – Add New Camera
Input the “Camera Description” by giving your camera a name. This is very important if you are using multiple cameras in the field. Input the “Module ID (IMEI number)”. Watch the video located to the right to “Locate your Module ID” and “Register your Camera” to receive the registration code.
Check the box after reading the “Terms of Use and Privacy Policy” then click “Add this Camera”.
Step 5 – Update Settings
After adding your camera, it will take you to the camera management page. Click on Manage Camera > Camera Settings. Review the camera settings, at a minimum, update your Camera Time Zone. Change Real Time Control to Yes. Input the camera phone number from the activation email. Once complete, click on “Schedule a Settings Update”.
Step 6 – Test Photo and Request Status
After adding your camera, the website will take you to the camera management page. Ensure you send a test photo. Press “MENU” until you are at the live preview screen with your carrier at the top. Press “OK” to take a photo and “OK” again to send the photo. Once the photo is sent, turn your camera “ON” to complete the syncing process. Refresh your screen on your computer or mobile device. A new photo should appear with the code “JAGER PRO E” at the bottom of the photo.
If your signal and battery icon are blank, request a status report. Click on Manage Camera > Request Status.
Step 7 – Motion Activation
Wave your hand in front of the camera so it will take a motion activated photo. Click on Camera > Management or Management. We are waiting for the camera to send the motion activated photo and to retrieve camera settings. Wait 30 seconds then click on “Refresh”. The new photo will have an “M” at the bottom of the picture.
Step 8 – Take a Photo
Click on Manage Camera > Take a Photo. This will tell the camera to take a photo. Wait 30 seconds then click on refresh. The new photo will have an “S” at the bottom of the picture. Clicking on any of your photos will bring up the photo gallery. Clicking on any picture will open up a large image. now all of our photos have the appropriate code, S, M and E. Your camera is operational and ready for deployment.
Step 9 – Mobile Access
The next step will be to set up your phone with the mobile app. Please watch our Mobile App video to complete the process. Once you have the mobile app downloaded on your phone, you will be able to add new cameras through the app.
Step 10 – Delivery Options (Optional – Not recommended)
Click on Account > Email Contacts. Input your email address or phone number to receive texted photos, click on Get Help for more information. Click on Cameras > Delivery Options. Select which camera you want to update from the drop-down menu then check the box for each email address or phone number to send to. The last option if you choose to use it is “Other Delivery Options”. Enter the email address or phone number you want to receive the daily status report. Once complete, click on the “Update” button.
The reason this is optional and not recommended: All photos taken from the cameras are transmitted to our website using mobile data then sent to our mobile app from our server. Carriers like AT&T and Verizon actively monitor and filter these messages to protect subscribers from spam. The carriers can also block email-to-text messages without notice which is the reason our customers were not receiving texted photos and users have no way of knowing that a problem exists. Some companies and/or government agencies’ spam filters can also block these messages. Due to the unreliable nature of email-to-text messaging we updated our app to be the primary notification method.