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JAGER PRO Hog Control Missions

At JAGER PRO, we have different hog control missions that we use during different seasons. A gentleman made a comment to a recent Facebook post of ours that he has known several groups that say they will take care of a farmers hog problem, get them to sign a contract, then use the farmer’s land to make money by using it to charge other hunters to come hunt hogs. He went on to say that this does not solve the problem, it just creates more problems for the farmer.

Our primary mission at JAGER PRO is to apply our military experience towards improving hog control efficiency across the United States. We test and develop new products, technology and methods capable of producing 100% sounder removal. Results of our successes are documented monthly, on video, to teach, train and educate others.

Our secondary mission is to service private, state and federal hog removal contracts by employing our patent-pending M.I.N.E.® (Manually Initiated Nuisance Elimination) Trapping System.

Our third mission is to provide Georgia farmers and plantation owners with innovative wild hog management by implementing thermal shooting operations at night during pre-planting, planting and harvest seasons. We accomplish this mission by offering guest hunters the ultimate tactical boar shooting experience and adventure. This service is provided at no cost to the farmer.

We have established a 12 month targeting cycle for our Southwest Georgia farmers. We have advised them to trap during the 3 winter months when the food supply is limited. We follow up the trapping effort with shooting operations to clean up any hogs that were not trapped. We recommend the use of dogs when the crops are high enough that shooting operations are not effective. We then follow up with shooting operations using thermal optics during the harvest.

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